Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer's Soul

Category: Books

Genre: Non-Fiction

Creators: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Bill Hyman

A review and overview of Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer's Soul created by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Bill Hyman.

Wow! This is actually the second " Chicken Soup" book we have here in our home and the first Chicken Soup that I decided to read all the way. Why? Because I can practically relate to the book. I am a Network Marketer myself.

To a "Network Marketer" this would seem like a "motivational book" to different people in all walks of life involved in a "Network Marketing" company. Doesn't matter which company.

To someone who is in doubt of Network Marketing, you would find this book a useful book. It gives another light, which is to say the "true light" of Network Marketing.

Network Marketing may seem "lucrative" to most and even a "scam", but basically you just have to look for the "right company" that would suit you. I cannot say that all Network Marketing companies are good because some are hiding behind the guise of MLM and using Network Marketing but they are out there just to get your money/investments. Be AWARE of them.

The true PRINCIPLE of NETWORK MARKETING is "Helping other people get what they want before you get what you want". This is a People-Helping-People business and since you helped a lot of people to succeed - you can't help but succeed from it too. Only insiders would know the difference. No matter how hard we try to say this is a good business and comes with CLEAN MONEY, not everyone would believe it, which is just OK. This business is NOT FOR EVERYBODY anyway.

This book practically shows the difference that a NETWORK MARKETING company can make. It inspired me to do more. I saw how a lot of people out there in this business are helping A LOT of other people.

In all of the stories in this book I have three favorites:

Five Magic Words
A Smile Despite the Pain
That Little Voice Inside

I suggest people who are in the business of Network Marketing or even people who are mildly interested in the business and want to see the good of it, or those people who thinks this business is all about MONEY try to read this.

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