Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Architectural Classics

Architectural Classics is a website for people who has a passion for architectural detail since 1988(Same year I was born! Wow!). They sell antique chandeliers, door knockers, iron lanterns, clocks, and so much more for your architectural needs. They all have unique designs... and I have a few favorites. If I were to design my house I'd love to get my chandeliers from them. This brass and crystal chandelier they have looks pretty much like that hallucinogenic Datura, I just blogged about. I like this brass crystal table light... ahh perfect for my soon-to-be dream dining table. This one is one cute iron lantern with a stained glass pattern plus with an intricate design.
Architectural Classics is not just a website but they have a blog and a forum to let their customers interact with them as well.

Architectural Classics Blog is a blog for people who loves antique furnitures. In here, they have two professional writers Lucy Atkinson and Ian Evans who writes together to keep the blog alive.

One post i fancied was about a cat opening a door knob, or should I say cats opening door knobs? While watching the videos you would laugh and probably say.. "How cute" or "Clever kitty". But, as what Lucy said in her post, cute as they may seem for us watching but it won't be for people who owns the door knobs who might have spent a lot restoring it or if they don't those scratches would definitely show. Which is actually right. Your lovely door knobs getting scratched> Nu-uh. Here, Lucy provides ways of teaching your cat NOT TO OPEN DOORS.

End Notes: If your company has a website, make sure you have a forum so as your clients can interact with you and other customers as well. A blog is one good thing to keep your site active with updates as well. Nice site and blog they have here.

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