Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Wedding Date - 2005

Category: Movie

Genre: Chick Flick

Director: Clare Kliner

Writer: Elizabeth Young, Dana Fox,

Producer: Gold Circle Films, 26 Films, VisionView Production

Cast: Dermot Mulroney, Debra Messing, Jack Davenport, Amy Adams, Sarah Parish, Jeremy Sheffield, Peter Egan, Holland Taylor, Jolyon James and more.

Tagline: Love doesn't come cheap.

Kat Ellis (Debra Messing) an airline executive, returns to her parents' home in London to attend her sister's wedding. Knowing her ex-fiance, who dumped her two years before, she then hires first class male escort named Nick Ercer (Dermot Mulroney) to pose as her new boyfriend (deffo not your ordinary gigolo.. someone who does not come in cheap). However, everyone is in for shocking surprises along the way....

I enjoyed this film. If only male escorts were like Nick Ercer! HAHAHA. If you just want light, entertaining flick then this one is for you. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There is good chemistry between Debra and Dermot during the whole film. It can make you giggle and wish for your own happy ever after. Sweet and funny.

Quotes I Like:

Nick Mercer: Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close... your... eyes. You're safe. You can relax. I'm not going to kiss you. He's gonna be so sorry he lost you, so stop worrying. Forget the past. Forget the pain. And remember what an incredible woman you are. You do that and he'll realize what he lost.
Kat Ellis: Holy crap. You're worth every penny.

Kat Ellis: You know what pisses me off? I've been spilling my guts all weekend and I don't know a thing about you.
Nick Mercer: [pause] I'm allergic to fabric softener. I majored in comparative literature at Brown. I hate anchovies. And I think I'd miss you even if we never met.

1 comment:

jarodude rlz said...

You should review this funny Indian movie! (It has subtitles.) Go to netflix and type in Di bole hadippa!