Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Cloud Atlas - Liam Callanan

Category: Book

Genre: Historical Fiction

Author: Liam Callanan

It is the mid 1940s, set against the magnificent backdrop of Alaska during the days where the World War II is waning. The Cloud Atlas is an enthralling debut novel, a story of adventure and awakening—and of an eighteen year old soldier, trained under bomb disposal on an extraordinary, top-secret mission…and found a world that would haunt him forever.

At first I thought this was the famed "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell, but a few chapters went by, with the same setting and I knew this wasn't Mitchell's. I finished the book, only because it was interesting and I was already halfway the book when I realized it's not Mitchell's. [yes, it was an ebook I got somewhere. only because I couldn't find a copy of David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas in the bookstores!!]

With all the references to shamans, magic, palm reading, astrology, tuunraq, balloons containing bombs and the impending war.... its a dazzling unique love story, or this enchantment of the 18 year old soldier with the Yup'ik woman named Lily. It's also a good look of Alaska and it's culture.

A literary art piece. Lovely all on it's own. 

Photo Source: Good Reads


essay writing said...

These kind of articles are always attractive and I am happy to find so many good point here in the post, writing is simply great, thanks for sharing

Jazzy Starlight said...

Oh my gosh, that movie is mind-boggling. I am ashamed to say I fell asleep half-way, it was late though.