Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins

Category: Books

Genre: Sci-Fi

Author: Suzanne Collins

Once again, Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, has survived. Even though District 12 has been destroyed after the operations at the arena. Gale has escaped, while the family of Katniss remains safe and is heading for District 13. They do exist. Peeta was captured by the Capitol.

The success of the rebellion is on Katniss', and to accept responsibility and to be willing to save countless lives for the future of Panem.

Finally, I finished the whole trilogy!

But, the last book has this nagging effect on me. Is it separation anxiety? Or maybe because, I wanted something more? The Gale part at the end also nags me!!! Why, is there no flashback of Gale? :(( I know, it's all Katniss' side that we are reading. But, but, I would've wanted something more from Gale.

I didn't get to sleep when I finished reading the book though, because I was imagining Panem and all that still. This book, still manages to keep you on the edge, making you want to finish the whole book in one seating. I stayed until the wee hours of the morning, just to finish the whole thing.

And Alas! The Hunger Games is over and done with.

Photo Source: FVHS 

Rating: 4 & Half Stars